Monday, February 8, 2016

We stumbled across this movement to destroy the Super PAC

Want to get money out of politics? Don't like the Citizens United ruling? DESTROY THE SUPER PAC.
No. Seriously. The plan: 34 States = 1 Constitutional Amendment. 2 so far, VT and CA. Why even wait for the Presidential elections?
Bonus: You get to call your state Reps/Senators and bug them. Totally worth it.

Volunteer, donate, call... whatever you can do. Thanks!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Politics and Memory: aka "What did I vote for last night...?"

I don't do mornings. Or afternoons, evenings, midnights... (Picture completely stolen)

Did you see the Feb 4, 2016 Democratic debate? It was last night. Really solid moderation this time, some hard hits to both sides.

And yes, Bernie was crushed on Foreign Policy. Absolutely. Clinton was very good and specific here, knows her stuff. And yet... she made those vague "politician's promises" about everything in her Domestic Policy. No policies there. Give and take.

Quick post about something we wanted to ABSOFREAKINGLUTELY HIGHLIGHT: a viewer sent a question to the moderators. It involved Hillary Clinton's speeches - ahem, her $600,000 Goldman Sachs speeches (how much do you make in a year? Just make 3 speeches you plebian). The question was brilliant: "Mrs. Clinton [to paraphrase], show us the transcripts of your Goldman Sachs speeches." These speeches were made in private to one of the six largest banks in the US.

Chuck Todd added a bit. "We know you have transcripts, and let's broaden that. Give us all your paid speeches." (Paraphrasing and emphasis ours.)

Clinton has made a point she is not bought-and-paid-for, here she is, having been offered an extraordinary fee for a speech at one of the biggest and most destructive banks this past economic meltdown. What did she say?

What did I say?

Her response, exact quote: "I will look into it. I don't know the status, but I will certainly look into it."

The link to the full debate is here. Watch it and judge for yourself! (There were a few minor glitches at the link.) That exchange between Chuck Todd and Clinton is at 45:20. Absolutely check it out.

The framing Todd gave was - you can't dodge this. These transcripts exist. What did you say to Goldman Sachs behind closed doors? Hillary's response, "I will look into it... I will certainly look into it."

This is our interpretation - Hillary's wracking her brain to remember what she said during those speeches. Did I say something voters wouldn't want to hear? What can I release about those speeches? Or perhaps she knows what she said, she remembers other promises she made, private ones behind closed doors. In either case...

Gosh... what did I vote for last night...?

And we're going to put that against a really, really minor (but funny) point that Sanders wanted to correct from Chuck Todd. At 1:28:30 at that same link.

In an earlier debate, Bernie weighed in about Clinton's email scandal. "I don't give a damn about these emails. Let's talk about issues," (paraphrased). Chuck Todd brought up an excellent point about email scandal, and asked Bernie to weigh in; Bernie challenged him on Todd saying "darned."

"Close enough," Bernie said, "I believe I had stronger wording" (paraphrase). Bernie joked that he said he didn't give a "damn," not a "darn." (1:30:55)

And quite frankly, Bernie in several instances has corrected pundits and reporters for their spin, or ignorance, on his record, his stand on issues, substantial things. This one's pretty funny, he's correcting Todd's exact wording on not giving a "damn."

But more importantly, Bernie remembers. You know what makes remembering things like that easy? Gee umm being consistent. Not lying.

Having a consistent message, supporting the same causes for God knows how many decades kind of you know, makes it easy to answer a question when someone asks you something. Or helps you correct the pundit/reporter of their spin.

It's fine that Hillary can change her mind, or "evolve" on issues. In fact, that's great. But Bernie's been right - he's been voting for these issues - all along.

And back to the transcripts: we get the sense Bernie's not going to fight a bit dirty here. He might not ask for those transcripts. Quite frankly, this is where we (the voters) come in.

Fight for those transcripts. Fight for transparency in government. I, personally, need to see what Hillary said when no one but the rich were watching. Does she have another message she's sending out? To her campaign funders? Make her remember ALL the promises she's been making.
(And call up your Representatives, your Senators to release those transcripts. Democrat, Republican, whatever, just put the pressure there. Your voted politicians ALL have websites and contact information. And trust me, they get ANNOYED when you call them up to complain, haha. Prod 'em.)

We're going to end on another important note: what policies will Hillary enact? Bernie's policies: $15/hr minimum wage, break up the six large banks, close corporate tax loopholes... etc. etc.

Take a stand, woman. You have no right to complain about someone's policies without offering your own (unless you're Republican). Now, this late in the game: what are your policies? What will you vote in?


PS Please weigh in on what you read here, and our interpretation! Start that discussion! Thanks!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Biggest Job Interview

"My name is such-and-such, and I'd love to be your President."

Consider the following post propaganda / an opinion piece. Because it is. We're pro-Bernie Sanders, that's how we side, and we entirely ignore the Republican candidates altogether. So what you're going to read, we'll get out in the open. It's only fair.

Consider the Presidential race this year to be a job interview. The Biggest Job Interview, perhaps, in the world.

We sift through resumes (Republican conservative? gone...). On the Democratic side, we've come down to two candidates: let's call them Hillary and Bernie. They would like that, like to be know by their first names. Both of them, certainly.

Hillary sits down. She's got a stunning resume, everything we want in someone for our organization. We look up, she's well-dressed, very professional, and when we throw questions her way, she answers them, makes us feel important. "We can do this, we can do that," everything's a possibility. She's, quite frankly, fantastic. We love her.

Bernie sits down. He's not bad, got a suit, tie. Resume's not bad, just doesn't jump out at us. Our questions and his answers: "We have to do this, we have to do that." He's great, he's passionate, but maybe he doesn't get us. What we want. Hillary, she got us. She knows what we want.

But before Bernie goes, we throw him a curveball. We ask him a question that's just off-the-cuff, something we've never asked candidates before. "Why do you want to join our organization?" Why do you want to be President?

What do you personally have to gain?

Bernie turns around, a bit incredulous ("Haven't you been listening to me the past hour?" - that kind of look on his face), and says "Because things are broken." And we hate hearing that, yes, but he's been honest, straightforward for our interview, and we thank him, he goes on his way.

We wish we'd asked Hillary that. We wished we could have another interview, or maybe just a coffee, chat up what's going on, casually drop that question in. But after a few days, we formulate her answer.

"So I can fight for you."

That makes us smile, she's thinking about us, but after a few days... that doesn't really answer the question. What do you personally have to gain from being our President? Why do you want this position? We wrack our brains, go over her responses - she's been very clear about fighting for us, multiple times - but that's the only thing we can imagine to be her response.

"Hillary, why do you want to be our President?"
"So I can fight for you, Matt!"

"You can be honest, Hillary. We love you. We won't judge you."
"I am being honest! I've done this all my life..." etc. etc. More talking points.

And now we need the position filled. We have only a few days left. But you can start to see it, yes? You can start to see why this position, passing Hillary in the hall, seeing Hillary at the cafeteria, for four years, why something small like that, something as small and nagging as an honest response...

We're going to have our president for four years. This is why we side with Bernie. This is our feeling of him; our feeling of Hillary, too. But really, we want YOU, the few few few readers, to educate yourselves on the candidates, their policies, (not their meaningless generalities) and go out and vote. It's so important to vote. And after you vote, follow through, find what they're doing right (and doing wrong) and keep them accountable. Vote again. Voice your concerns. Be creative; crash out on their lawn, if you feel inclined. Whether you're Republican or Democrat or vote for Trump, we don't care. Learn about the process, about the policies, and vote.

And weigh in here, too! Discuss, reason, and decide. We'd love to hear what you think, regardless of whether it's what we think, too.
