Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Biggest Job Interview

"My name is such-and-such, and I'd love to be your President."

Consider the following post propaganda / an opinion piece. Because it is. We're pro-Bernie Sanders, that's how we side, and we entirely ignore the Republican candidates altogether. So what you're going to read, we'll get out in the open. It's only fair.

Consider the Presidential race this year to be a job interview. The Biggest Job Interview, perhaps, in the world.

We sift through resumes (Republican conservative? gone...). On the Democratic side, we've come down to two candidates: let's call them Hillary and Bernie. They would like that, like to be know by their first names. Both of them, certainly.

Hillary sits down. She's got a stunning resume, everything we want in someone for our organization. We look up, she's well-dressed, very professional, and when we throw questions her way, she answers them, makes us feel important. "We can do this, we can do that," everything's a possibility. She's, quite frankly, fantastic. We love her.

Bernie sits down. He's not bad, got a suit, tie. Resume's not bad, just doesn't jump out at us. Our questions and his answers: "We have to do this, we have to do that." He's great, he's passionate, but maybe he doesn't get us. What we want. Hillary, she got us. She knows what we want.

But before Bernie goes, we throw him a curveball. We ask him a question that's just off-the-cuff, something we've never asked candidates before. "Why do you want to join our organization?" Why do you want to be President?

What do you personally have to gain?

Bernie turns around, a bit incredulous ("Haven't you been listening to me the past hour?" - that kind of look on his face), and says "Because things are broken." And we hate hearing that, yes, but he's been honest, straightforward for our interview, and we thank him, he goes on his way.

We wish we'd asked Hillary that. We wished we could have another interview, or maybe just a coffee, chat up what's going on, casually drop that question in. But after a few days, we formulate her answer.

"So I can fight for you."

That makes us smile, she's thinking about us, but after a few days... that doesn't really answer the question. What do you personally have to gain from being our President? Why do you want this position? We wrack our brains, go over her responses - she's been very clear about fighting for us, multiple times - but that's the only thing we can imagine to be her response.

"Hillary, why do you want to be our President?"
"So I can fight for you, Matt!"

"You can be honest, Hillary. We love you. We won't judge you."
"I am being honest! I've done this all my life..." etc. etc. More talking points.

And now we need the position filled. We have only a few days left. But you can start to see it, yes? You can start to see why this position, passing Hillary in the hall, seeing Hillary at the cafeteria, for four years, why something small like that, something as small and nagging as an honest response...

We're going to have our president for four years. This is why we side with Bernie. This is our feeling of him; our feeling of Hillary, too. But really, we want YOU, the few few few readers, to educate yourselves on the candidates, their policies, (not their meaningless generalities) and go out and vote. It's so important to vote. And after you vote, follow through, find what they're doing right (and doing wrong) and keep them accountable. Vote again. Voice your concerns. Be creative; crash out on their lawn, if you feel inclined. Whether you're Republican or Democrat or vote for Trump, we don't care. Learn about the process, about the policies, and vote.

And weigh in here, too! Discuss, reason, and decide. We'd love to hear what you think, regardless of whether it's what we think, too.


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