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Not our picture at all. |
Long answer:
Why would it be? Yes, we were hoping Bernie to have taken the state popular vote. And whether you believe Clinton got the popular vote, or abused the system to get the popular vote (through voter suppression and even less savory practices), she still has the majority of votes.
And: so what?
Bernie could still get the nomination. It's a long shot (and generally predicated on Clinton getting indicted for the email scandal). Or he could run a 3rd-Party ticket. Which is still probably a good idea: as a Democratic candidate, he's forced the conversation into the issues that matter to middle- and lower-America: healthcare, corruption, college tuition, and the list goes on and on.
And that's what counts, for right now. Changing the conversation. Making Clinton, that great political pivoter, pivot to the issues that matter to the average American. Taking money out of politics. Healthcare guaranteed for all. A livable minimum wage. Will Clinton give us these things if the conversation steers that way? Of course not. But...
The winds of change are on the way. How do we know? We don't. But this past election cycle, this 32-year-old, politically jaded do-nothing has gotten up, decided to do something. A political nothing here has gotten involved, and has seen others get involved. Speak up. Join groups. Lobby for what you believe in; lobby for social justice, too. Rage against the machine, so to speak, and do one better: propose practical solutions. Simple rage isn't enough. And actions speak far louder than words.
Bernie hasn't lost; long live the revolution. Something doesn't work? Fix it. It's not easy to do so, but what other options do we have?
(As y'all know, I'm part of Wolf-PAC. Founded by The Young Turks network - the largest online news source PERIOD, this organizations is lobbying to take money out of politics. Volunteer your time - and if this isn't your thing, find out what is. And make sure you stop signing those obnoxious petitions - spend your time advocating for actual solutions and policy change.)
Put your rants / discussions / raves up in the comments here. It's been two summers of discontent on this pequeno lil' blog, but now is the time to fight. Work for change. See your state senators and reps; make politics work for you. Ask for the whole loaf, not for the crumbs. Get in it for the long haul, because it's going to be long one, indeed.
Keep in touch,
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