Thursday, September 15, 2016

No More Hillary - aka #NotWithHer aka #HashtagCentral

We've decided we're sick of dealing with Hillary as the Democratic Presidential nominee. It's enough. There are too many reasons not to vote for her, almost as many as Trump, but here are a few:

- The DNC's dealing with the Nevada caucus. Basically, shutting it down, ignoring the delegates (specifically Sanders delegates) and thereby their constituents.

- What is Hillary for? Does she have a real platform of change, or "incremental change" or "change that progressives can get done." Whatever she wants to term it. We've heard all kinds of things, but mainly, she for "against Trump."

- The obfuscation over her latest health issue. Is it serious, is it debilitating? No one knows, and everything Hillary's aides and cronies have said is, as far as we're concerned, a complete and utter lie. Basically, the boy who cried wolf, except the woman who lied President.

- Bonus - a TYT video with possibly a slight Bill Clinton slip about Hillary's health issue:

- The list is too long, especially if you've been watching the Primaries

This is what we've decided: enough. Time to get the pen and paper out. We're writing the DNC, and you should, too:


Democratic National Committee
Interim Chair Donna Brazile
430 South Capital St. Southeast
Washington, DC 20003


Dear Ms. Brazile,

As a lifelong Democrat, I feel it is duty to inform you I will not be voting for Hillary Clinton come this November. There are too many reasons to list, so I will not bore you with those details. Good luck in the general election,

Short and sweet. And you'd want to address it to the new Chair of the DNC, Donna Brazile:

Democratic National Committee
Interim Chair Donna Brazile
430 South Capital St. Southeast
Washington, DC 20003

One stamp, mail out, and done.

Why do this? Anger, frustration, not being heard... any number of negative traits. But also, a hope to be heard, a hope to change the political process. Hopefully, to get a better candidate, which the DNC is capable of doing. The rich may have megaphones, but collective voices speak louder. AKA, there is a path here, and it's to get involved.

So: get out your pen and paper, and start mailing away. Share your letter on social media - Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, what have you (and block out your address, too!). Message on this post or email me or what have you. Thanks.

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