Got paid today. Lost 30% of my paycheck to taxes for entitlement programs that I don't use and never will; this includes Social Security. I'm sick of you asshats telling me how to spend the money I earn. I worked my ass off but some lazy Democrat gets 30% of my god damn paycheck and then has the nerve to complain.I
The Summer of Our Discontent
A blog for the millenials, misdirected, and malcontent.
Friday, June 22, 2018
The New Age of the Ballot or the Bullet
Malcolm X spoke of this phrase in his speeches: the ballot or the bullet.
His speeches resonated with the African-American plight in the 1960s, a plight that included disenfranchisement, poverty, government corruption and inaction. He spoke to generations of the oppressed.
And in a time of money overturning our votes, wealth inequality, and government corruption and inaction, yes: it's time to revisit this promise, that of the ballot or the bullet.
We are the generation of the oppressed.
Some of it is our own doing: we have sat idly by far too long, allowing our politicians to play their cruel games with our incomes, our rights, our lives. We have turned away disinterested, disgusted with the course of national politics. We have turned against each other, hoping to eke by through stealing another poor man's food, placing his stale bread on our table.
We are the starved rats, fighting each other over the crumbs left us.
We cannot afford this infighting and this division any longer.
We cannot blame ourselves any longer.
We, the generation of the oppressed, must step up. We must politically fight our battles. We must wrest back from those in power our enfranchisement; our work, our labor; our government, our self-government.
We cannot sit back and say, "this system works for me; it must work for my hungry brother and sister."
We cannot sit back and say, "this system does not work for me; there is nothing I can do to fix it."
We cannot sit back and say, "this system has not failed those who are starving; it has not failed those who work 50 hours a week and cannot make bills; it has not failed those abandoned veterans shaking small change on the streets."
We cannot sit back.
Our Constitution has promised us two gifts: the ballot and the bullet.
Let us strive for the ballot. That is the greatest gift our forefathers have given us. They have seen the cruelty oligarchies have leveled upon their people. They have seen the blindness and rage with which unbridled greed governs. They have seen the good and the worthy trampled upon, and the righteous dead.
We have now $21 Trillion in debt; more than half our country cannot put together $1000 for medical expenses or rent. We have a Congress dialing for donors harder than they govern our country. Our leaders tax us for Social Security and Medicare, and are gutting them for their own tax breaks as we speak.
Now we must speak. It is our turn to speak. We are taking up the ballot; this is indisputable. Across our country we are speaking up; we are marching alongside; we are voting and checking the power held by corrupt Democrats and Republicans.
Let us aim for it, let us strive for the ballot. For, as Malcolm X said, our only other option is the bullet.
Monday, December 4, 2017
The Deal About Rhetoric
Rhetoric is important. Rhetoric is powerful. Sometimes, rhetoric is everything.
Consider a country in chaos. Consider people struggling to get by, suffering under brutal legislation, starving in the streets. Consider that they want release, be it through wealth, health, or death.
A man promises them an end to their struggles. He promises them power, wealth, most importantly, an ear to listen, and a fist to punish.
And they bring a demagogue into power.
I'm talking about the United States, but maybe you were confused for a moment. Maybe you thought I was talking about Nazi Germany; that's okay, that's happening more and more these days.
How does rhetoric work?
It's difficult to say. It seems like you have to be a victim of rhetoric, of getting pulled in the wrong direction, to tell. Then snapping out of it. But some of those Nazis, the true-believers, they still believe even today.
This is how rhetoric works: you appeal to your emotions, specifically anger. You rely on that to the point that you blind yourself to facts. And when you no longer base your actions on facts, your leaders can get you to act out and do anything.
Here's a post from "It should be legal to kill Democrats":
He uses his anger to blind himself to facts, creates his own reality and scapegoats, and is probably willing to murder to get back that 30%.
I wouldn't blame him for wanting to murder, that's food off his table. But Democrats aren't even in power; who do you think is really to blame?
Rhetoric is how Republicans fire up their voter base. They use the imagery of violence and death at their doorstep to get them to vote against their own interests. It's them, versus the violent and cruel world.
But look: they use impending violence, and they manage to translate that into votes. That's democracy, quite frankly.
How do we fight this?
Educate them.
Calm them down.
Join together.
Get votes.
Even if you're a Democrat, you have to recognize that we need each other, now more than ever. Break the spell of rhetoric and propaganda. Don't let the other side demonize your fellow brother.
They're big and powerful. They're rich and invincible. But they thought so in France 1788.
Violence is not the ideal answer here; in fact, it shouldn't be on the table. Foreign powers would love to have us retreat into a bloody civil war. So we have to fight with the few democratic tools we have left.
Each other.
So don't spit bile about Republicans; don't wish you could kill a Democrat. We're not going to agree on everything, but there's one obvious thing to agree on: the shit has hit the fan.
It doesn't matter who, why or when. It's our job to clean up the mess.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Reposting a story for everyone
Don't give up hope.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
No More Hillary - aka #NotWithHer aka #HashtagCentral
We've decided we're sick of dealing with Hillary as the Democratic Presidential nominee. It's enough. There are too many reasons not to vote for her, almost as many as Trump, but here are a few:
- The DNC's dealing with the Nevada caucus. Basically, shutting it down, ignoring the delegates (specifically Sanders delegates) and thereby their constituents.
- What is Hillary for? Does she have a real platform of change, or "incremental change" or "change that progressives can get done." Whatever she wants to term it. We've heard all kinds of things, but mainly, she for "against Trump."
- The obfuscation over her latest health issue. Is it serious, is it debilitating? No one knows, and everything Hillary's aides and cronies have said is, as far as we're concerned, a complete and utter lie. Basically, the boy who cried wolf, except the woman who lied President.
- Bonus - a TYT video with possibly a slight Bill Clinton slip about Hillary's health issue:
- The list is too long, especially if you've been watching the Primaries
This is what we've decided: enough. Time to get the pen and paper out. We're writing the DNC, and you should, too:
Democratic National Committee
Interim Chair Donna Brazile
430 South Capital St. Southeast
Washington, DC 20003
Dear Ms. Brazile,
As a lifelong Democrat, I feel it is duty to inform you I will not be voting for Hillary Clinton come this November. There are too many reasons to list, so I will not bore you with those details. Good luck in the general election,
Short and sweet. And you'd want to address it to the new Chair of the DNC, Donna Brazile:
Democratic National Committee
Interim Chair Donna Brazile
430 South Capital St. Southeast
Washington, DC 20003
Why do this? Anger, frustration, not being heard... any number of negative traits. But also, a hope to be heard, a hope to change the political process. Hopefully, to get a better candidate, which the DNC is capable of doing. The rich may have megaphones, but collective voices speak louder. AKA, there is a path here, and it's to get involved.
So: get out your pen and paper, and start mailing away. Share your letter on social media - Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, what have you (and block out your address, too!). Message on this post or email me or what have you. Thanks.
- The DNC's dealing with the Nevada caucus. Basically, shutting it down, ignoring the delegates (specifically Sanders delegates) and thereby their constituents.
- What is Hillary for? Does she have a real platform of change, or "incremental change" or "change that progressives can get done." Whatever she wants to term it. We've heard all kinds of things, but mainly, she for "against Trump."
- The obfuscation over her latest health issue. Is it serious, is it debilitating? No one knows, and everything Hillary's aides and cronies have said is, as far as we're concerned, a complete and utter lie. Basically, the boy who cried wolf, except the woman who lied President.
- Bonus - a TYT video with possibly a slight Bill Clinton slip about Hillary's health issue:
- The list is too long, especially if you've been watching the Primaries
This is what we've decided: enough. Time to get the pen and paper out. We're writing the DNC, and you should, too:
Democratic National Committee
Interim Chair Donna Brazile
430 South Capital St. Southeast
Washington, DC 20003
Dear Ms. Brazile,
As a lifelong Democrat, I feel it is duty to inform you I will not be voting for Hillary Clinton come this November. There are too many reasons to list, so I will not bore you with those details. Good luck in the general election,
Short and sweet. And you'd want to address it to the new Chair of the DNC, Donna Brazile:
Democratic National Committee
Interim Chair Donna Brazile
430 South Capital St. Southeast
Washington, DC 20003
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One stamp, mail out, and done. |
Why do this? Anger, frustration, not being heard... any number of negative traits. But also, a hope to be heard, a hope to change the political process. Hopefully, to get a better candidate, which the DNC is capable of doing. The rich may have megaphones, but collective voices speak louder. AKA, there is a path here, and it's to get involved.
So: get out your pen and paper, and start mailing away. Share your letter on social media - Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, what have you (and block out your address, too!). Message on this post or email me or what have you. Thanks.
Monday, August 8, 2016
John Oliver has a point...
Specifically, about newspapers:
To sum up: local newspapers and journalists are the ones who research the stories you click on in your Facebook / Twitter / whatever newsfeed.
We have an obligation to journalists, because they have an obligation to us. To, specifically, investigate and report on what's happening at a local, and sometimes, national level. To let us know about corruption, about local events and happenings, and how they affect us.
It's important to pay for your news. And it starts, as Mr. Oliver pointed out, at your local newspaper.
Yeah, we're broke, and we bought a half-year subscription. $100. Invest in investigators, local news, and yeah, nothing is free. That coffee you buy every day; that subscription to a dating site; those loot crates or whatever you get every month: those are fun, yes. Expensive, yes. But necessary?
Think about it. $200 a year, for the cornerstone of what keeps a local democracy clean and corruption-(almost)-free: information and reporting.
So pay those watchdogs in your state house.
Signing out,
To sum up: local newspapers and journalists are the ones who research the stories you click on in your Facebook / Twitter / whatever newsfeed.
We have an obligation to journalists, because they have an obligation to us. To, specifically, investigate and report on what's happening at a local, and sometimes, national level. To let us know about corruption, about local events and happenings, and how they affect us.
It's important to pay for your news. And it starts, as Mr. Oliver pointed out, at your local newspaper.
Yeah, we're broke, and we bought a half-year subscription. $100. Invest in investigators, local news, and yeah, nothing is free. That coffee you buy every day; that subscription to a dating site; those loot crates or whatever you get every month: those are fun, yes. Expensive, yes. But necessary?
Think about it. $200 a year, for the cornerstone of what keeps a local democracy clean and corruption-(almost)-free: information and reporting.
So pay those watchdogs in your state house.
Signing out,
Thursday, June 9, 2016
California: Is It the End?
Simple answer: no.
Long answer:
Why would it be? Yes, we were hoping Bernie to have taken the state popular vote. And whether you believe Clinton got the popular vote, or abused the system to get the popular vote (through voter suppression and even less savory practices), she still has the majority of votes.
And: so what?
Bernie could still get the nomination. It's a long shot (and generally predicated on Clinton getting indicted for the email scandal). Or he could run a 3rd-Party ticket. Which is still probably a good idea: as a Democratic candidate, he's forced the conversation into the issues that matter to middle- and lower-America: healthcare, corruption, college tuition, and the list goes on and on.
And that's what counts, for right now. Changing the conversation. Making Clinton, that great political pivoter, pivot to the issues that matter to the average American. Taking money out of politics. Healthcare guaranteed for all. A livable minimum wage. Will Clinton give us these things if the conversation steers that way? Of course not. But...
The winds of change are on the way. How do we know? We don't. But this past election cycle, this 32-year-old, politically jaded do-nothing has gotten up, decided to do something. A political nothing here has gotten involved, and has seen others get involved. Speak up. Join groups. Lobby for what you believe in; lobby for social justice, too. Rage against the machine, so to speak, and do one better: propose practical solutions. Simple rage isn't enough. And actions speak far louder than words.
Bernie hasn't lost; long live the revolution. Something doesn't work? Fix it. It's not easy to do so, but what other options do we have?
(As y'all know, I'm part of Wolf-PAC. Founded by The Young Turks network - the largest online news source PERIOD, this organizations is lobbying to take money out of politics. Volunteer your time - and if this isn't your thing, find out what is. And make sure you stop signing those obnoxious petitions - spend your time advocating for actual solutions and policy change.)
Put your rants / discussions / raves up in the comments here. It's been two summers of discontent on this pequeno lil' blog, but now is the time to fight. Work for change. See your state senators and reps; make politics work for you. Ask for the whole loaf, not for the crumbs. Get in it for the long haul, because it's going to be long one, indeed.
Keep in touch,
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Not our picture at all. |
Long answer:
Why would it be? Yes, we were hoping Bernie to have taken the state popular vote. And whether you believe Clinton got the popular vote, or abused the system to get the popular vote (through voter suppression and even less savory practices), she still has the majority of votes.
And: so what?
Bernie could still get the nomination. It's a long shot (and generally predicated on Clinton getting indicted for the email scandal). Or he could run a 3rd-Party ticket. Which is still probably a good idea: as a Democratic candidate, he's forced the conversation into the issues that matter to middle- and lower-America: healthcare, corruption, college tuition, and the list goes on and on.
And that's what counts, for right now. Changing the conversation. Making Clinton, that great political pivoter, pivot to the issues that matter to the average American. Taking money out of politics. Healthcare guaranteed for all. A livable minimum wage. Will Clinton give us these things if the conversation steers that way? Of course not. But...
The winds of change are on the way. How do we know? We don't. But this past election cycle, this 32-year-old, politically jaded do-nothing has gotten up, decided to do something. A political nothing here has gotten involved, and has seen others get involved. Speak up. Join groups. Lobby for what you believe in; lobby for social justice, too. Rage against the machine, so to speak, and do one better: propose practical solutions. Simple rage isn't enough. And actions speak far louder than words.
Bernie hasn't lost; long live the revolution. Something doesn't work? Fix it. It's not easy to do so, but what other options do we have?
(As y'all know, I'm part of Wolf-PAC. Founded by The Young Turks network - the largest online news source PERIOD, this organizations is lobbying to take money out of politics. Volunteer your time - and if this isn't your thing, find out what is. And make sure you stop signing those obnoxious petitions - spend your time advocating for actual solutions and policy change.)
Put your rants / discussions / raves up in the comments here. It's been two summers of discontent on this pequeno lil' blog, but now is the time to fight. Work for change. See your state senators and reps; make politics work for you. Ask for the whole loaf, not for the crumbs. Get in it for the long haul, because it's going to be long one, indeed.
Keep in touch,
Monday, February 8, 2016
We stumbled across this movement to destroy the Super PAC
Want to get money out of politics? Don't like the Citizens United ruling? DESTROY THE SUPER PAC.
No. Seriously. The plan: 34 States = 1 Constitutional Amendment. 2 so far, VT and CA. Why even wait for the Presidential elections?
Bonus: You get to call your state Reps/Senators and bug them. Totally worth it.
Volunteer, donate, call... whatever you can do. Thanks!
No. Seriously. The plan: 34 States = 1 Constitutional Amendment. 2 so far, VT and CA. Why even wait for the Presidential elections?
Bonus: You get to call your state Reps/Senators and bug them. Totally worth it.
Volunteer, donate, call... whatever you can do. Thanks!
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