Friday, August 21, 2015

Why the Discontent




That first image is just a rough NY Times chart showing wealth inequality of distribution. It was high in the 1920s and it's about the same rate, perhaps worse, in recent years. In case you forget history a bit, search up "The Great Depression."

Second is a link to a Ted Talk. The pitchforks are referring to the third link.

That previous post, I said "Voice and Show your support." This is a blog of discontent. It's in the name. Voice and show that, too. This is the discontent I'm voicing, and showing. This is what I'm discontented about:

-Economic inequality
-The leveraging of money to create political power
(reference this NYT link on campaign contributions)
-The leveraging of political power to siphon more wealth, power, ad infinitum (presumably)
-The fact that I still have to eat

If someone can solve one of these four problems, I think the discontent would be let out of my tires. It's not a fair system. More importantly, it's not a sustainable system. The fact that we vote in representatives who are then swayed by lobbyists, campaign funds, straight graft; well, consider it this way. It's not a moral question. Morals can differ from person to person. But if maintaining your wealth and status is predicated on society's stability, and increasing that wealth is predicated on things that will destabilize society, especially among the lower rungs...

Maybe you're swinging your swing too high, kiddo. The swingset's gonna keel over, y'know?

I'm discontent at the belligerence of corporations, of so many people in power to see that they're piling their sandcastles top-heavy (you gotta have a good base for a sandcastle, yes?), ignorant to the fact that they're creating the kinds of people they rightfully fear - people who are poor, marginalized, and incapable of making a better life for themselves.

The economic theory of "Trickle Down," that money from the top will float all boats... I think that's only true for knowledge. Giving someone money, who gives a damn? Give someone knowledge, education, and access to communication - is that too dangerous? Is it dangerous to have an independent, unshackled and informed populace? Isn't that how we basically came to be a world Superpower anyway?

Hopefully this blog will be a step in the right direction. Become a voice: leave a thought. Become a hand, leave an imprint. Leave comments and George Carlin quotes here as you see fit.


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