Saturday, January 30, 2016

Some advice for the malcontent masses

They say: You only get one vote. Not exactly true.
We've been keeping up a bit with this latest presidential cycle. The biggest thing that supporters say of one Democratic candidate over the other Democratic candidate is this:

That's great, but it's not feasible. He can't do it.

This is what we have to say, where we weigh in: you're absolutely right. He can't.

Make no mistake, voting in the most progressive and strangely "radical" candidate as Democratic Presidential nominee, or even as President of our country, will not change our national policies. It may change the conversation of our current policies, may change the tone of those conversations, but it will not change the way things work. How things have worked, for the past several election cycles.

That's great, but it's not feasible.

Yes. This is because there are checks and balances in our governmental system, intended to prevent (or at least slow) the proliferation of corruption, the power of profit over the running of an entire country. These checks and balances will almost certainly check and balance what any one politician - even The Top Politician - can accomplish.

But that's good. It keeps the total wackos in place (usually). It's why our constitution isn't modeled on, say, Dictatorship or Fascism.

We're a Democracy. And in a Democracy, there is only one solution. While there still is Democracy, anyway.

Here it is:

That's great, but it's not feasible. He can't do it alone.

Vote this cycle, vote hard, and then after? - vote often. And then speak up, explain why you voted how you did. We have the technology these days to make our (small) voices heard: social media, even if not mainstream media.

Go read up on Arab Spring. (Why are we still behind?) Perhaps American Spring is on its way.

Vote for your candidate, and then actually support him or her. We're going to be honest here, we do support Bernie Sanders. But we understand our vote is not a one-time quarter-in-the-jukebox end-all-be-all. Put your money where your mouth is. Put your vote where your mouth is. And, yes, put your time and your actions where your mouth is.

Because he can't do it alone.


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